EVs Enhanced custom wiring loom to suit Nissan Leaf Carwings and Connect head units.

Built using high quality components, this custom loom fully connects to Carwings and Connect Audio Navigation Units including satellite button clusters allowing for operation of the unit while on a work bench. Loom includes connector for 12V power supply. In-line blade fuse helps to protect equipment while in use. Features built-in switch to control power to the unit as well as a dedicated switch to force the Bootloader on start up. This allows you to power straight into the bootloader, to avoid having to enter the service menu when installing custom firmware such as Japanese to English conversions.  In the case of Carwings units, this loom also allows for replacement SD cards to be easily created during an update in the case where the original SD card has been lost.

Built-in Fuse to protect equipment during use.

Nissan Leaf Audio Unit Benchtop Wiring Loom

$347.83 exc. GST

SKU 810-0011 Category Tags , , ,