Instrument Cluster Japanese to English Conversion on AZE0-2 Nissan Leaf X/G Models

Before and After Photos Of A Nissan Leaf Dash Being Converted

Our Japanese to English Instrument Cluster Conversion for the model year 2016-2017 Nissan Leaf (AZE0-2) X or G spec model offers all screens and menus in English as well as the all of the warning messages that can appear for various reasons from time to time.

These conversions are performed through the car’s OBD2 (diagnostics) port by one of our partners using a conversion tool we specifically designed for this purpose. Christchurch EV owners can book their vehicle in with us at our Christchurch based EV service centre using the booking form located to the right. If you are located outside of Christchurch and are interested in this service, you can register below and we will get in touch as soon as possible!

Some example pictures showing the instrument cluster display before and after conversion as well as particular details associated with this model can be found below.


Forward Emergency Braking and Lane Departure Warning

Forward Emergency Braking and Lane Departure Warning settings on MY 2016/17 models

On MY 2016-17 X & G models, the clock time is set and controlled by the Nissan Connect audio/navigation unit. Setting the clock on the Japanese Nissan Connect units is not straightforward, but this can be performed by one of our partners. The clock settings available in the instrument cluster only allows the time shown on the upper display to be toggled between 24Hr or 12Hr time.
On 2016/17 X/G models the charge timer and climate timer setting are not available through the instrument cluster, but are instead set through the audio/navigation unit.

$57.50 inc gst

Are you a Christchurch local? Our Christchurch service centre is available now so click the below button to get booked in

Instrument Cluster Japanese to English Conversion on 2016/17 X/G Models - CHCH Service Centre Only

Dates are services are subject to availability. Our service centres hours are 8am to 5pm Monday to Friday. One of our team will contact you within 2 working days to confirm your booking. Alternatively, you can contact our service centre for bookings on 032818572

Are you a business interested in becoming an EVs Enhanced Partner? Click the button on the right to get in touch!

Instrument Cluster Japanese to English Conversion on 2016/17 X/G Models - Register Your Interest

Not in Christchurch but still love the idea of this service? Let us know! EVs Enhanced have a network of partners throughout New Zealand and around the world. Get in touch and we will direct you to an EVs Enhanced partner in your area. Our network of partners is always growing so if we don’t have a partner in your town, we will advise you as one becomes available. We appreciate your support and look forward to hearing from you! If you are interested in becoming an EVs Enhanced partner you can register here

Are you a business interested in becoming an EVs Enhanced Partner? Click the button on the right to get in touch!